ARC forum
Password-protected and moderated groups for parents who have lost a baby after a prenatal diagnosis. Visit the forum.
Publications for parents and family
ARC’s parents’ handbooks: ‘Supporting you Through Your Pregnancy’ and ‘Ending a Pregnancy after Prenatal Diagnosis’ describe some of the complex physical and emotional issues you may face after a prenatal diagnosis. If you haven’t received a copy of either from your hospital, ask us for a complimentary copy on 0207 713 7356 or email Our publication is available in print or as a PDF, we will automatically send you a printed copy unless you advise us otherwise.
Other ARC publications include:
To see all books visit the ARC parent’s publications page.
ARC News
ARC News is our newsletter published three times a year containing stories from parents about their personal experiences.
National volunteer support network
Our national volunteer support network is made up of ARC members across the UK who have been trained by us to provide telephone support to anxious and bereaved parents.
Call 0207 713 7486 or email for more information.
Parent meetings
ARC parent meetings are an ideal opportunity to meet other bereaved women/couples in a structured but informal environment. For more information on when and where the next meeting will be held, call 020 7713 7356 or email We try to hold four or five parent’s meetings a year. As ARC is a very small charity we are unfortunately unable to provide local groups.
We use the word ‘baby’ and ‘parent’ on this site and in our literature as most people who contact ARC choose to use these words. We appreciate not everyone is comfortable with this terminology, and ARC staff will always take the lead from callers.