Supporting you Through Your Pregnancy
This information has been written for parents who are considering continuing a pregnancy after an anomaly has been diagnosed in their baby. Being told that their baby has an anomaly is something for which parents are most often completely unprepared. This booklet provides practical advice, information and support to parents in this situation and is the result of consultation and research into their needs during this difficult time.
Many parents find that, after the diagnosis, care tends to focus on the baby’s condition. In the words of one mother: “I don’t actually feel like a pregnant person. I feel like I’ve got a baby with a problem.” In view of this, the booklet aims to help parents address their concerns and find appropriate support for themselves during what can be a very stressful time.
This booklet does not provide specific information about particular conditions that may be detected in pregnancy. If you want more information on what life with a particular condition might be like, contact ARC and we will signpost you to organisations and resources that might be helpful.
If you would like a hard copy of our handbook and have not received one from your hospital, please get in touch with ARC on 0207 713 7486 or and we will provide you with a complimentary copy. We also have an audio version of this booklet, which can be listened to below.