Parent-centred Care Guidelines
We are excited to launch our ‘parent-centred guidelines for care after diagnosis’ which we hope will be a helpful resource for health care professionals and a useful reference for parents and families. The guidelines describe what expectant parents should expect from their healthcare team when their baby is diagnosed with a chromosomal or physical condition.
We are extremely grateful to all the members of the expert group who generously gave their time to help us develop this resource because, like us, they want parents to be well-looked after at what can be a distressing time. It is deliberately directed to all healthcare professionals, as good teamwork is vital to ensure parents experience coordinated and consistent high-quality care.
While we have focused the guidelines around the 11 conditions that are specified by the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (NHS FASP) in England, we believe the principles of parent-centred care will be equally applicable across the whole UK.