Your workplace can do far more than just a hard day’s work.
Whether you are looking for a bespoke arrangement or one-off opportunity to complement your strategic objectives, a structured partnership scheme with ARC can be mutually beneficial.
ARC and its partners together play a crucial role in collectively raising funds, breaking sensitive taboos around antenatal screening and enabling greater employee wellbeing.
We are hugely grateful for the support of our current workplace partners.
Throughout a corporate partnership with ARC, your workplace would benefit from:
Access to sponsorship opportunities: an understanding of the full range of services and projects ARC runs, including details on beneficiary demographics, reach and service impact. We would work together to identify an area of sponsorship that is right for your company – this could be to support our core parent services, healthcare professional training, vital research partnerships or a future project.
Dedicated support and stewardship: our fundraisers provide regular reporting, brand acknowledgement across all platforms and materials and interactive opportunities to meet ARC staff and attend our events.
Workplace consultancy and training ARC is committed to working with employers to help them to gain understanding and better support staff who have had difficult news from antenatal testing or experienced loss . Our expert staff have decades of experience in working with parents through this complex process and training health care professionals working in antenatal care.This expertise means we can offer businesses advice on employer pregnancy loss policies (ARC’s Director has provided expert advice to a number of HR departments and is happy to offer this help in person or digitally) and bespoke staff training workshops on topics such as ‘Sensitive communication in the workplace’ or ‘Handling difficult conversations’. For example, in 2019 our Director ran a well-received session for Public Health England helpdesk staff on ‘Handling difficult calls’. You can view an example of our workplace training framework and objectives below.
ARC is a national charity, working across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and so we can also create partnerships that specifically connect to a company’s regional focus or strategic priorities.
Most importantly, what can arise from workplace giving schemes is the opportunity to create lasting partnerships, as ARC has done with our current workplace supporters. ARC would be delighted to discuss the opportunity to extend our initial arrangement with you for longer periods of sponsorship.
If you would like to find out more about these corporate opportunities, please email